
Bog Street Picks Help Maximize Comfort and Control

Bog Street Picks are designed for comfort, improved articulation, and slip-proof gripping. Photo credit: Bog Street.

Just getting started learning to play the guitar? Do you have a hand impairment or injury? Or do you just want to try out some cool boutique ergonomic picks?

If so, Bog Street Picks may be for you.

Bog Street was founded in 2018 as a Kickstarter campaign by entrepreneur and graphic artist Paul Holcomb.

While learning to play the guitar, he felt challenged by conventional picks and felt he could develop something much better.

According to Bog Street, their picks are the result of many iterations of prototype development. These pick designs are refined and shaped to achieve three primary objectives:

  • Improved grip security so the user can relax the picking hand to reduce tension and fatigue.
  • Enhanced feel and control for improved articulation of technique
  • Responsive string release and optimal tonal quality.

Bog Street excels when it comes to offering comfortable, ergonomic, and slip-proof designs. The company sells several sample packs so you can easily determine your favorites.


Check out for great deals on Bog Street Picks. We may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Bog Street
Panama City Beach 32461, FL
United States
(314) 647-7795

TEXT AND IMAGE CREDITS: Courtesy of Bog Street.

DISCLAIMER: MegaGuitar is not affiliated with Bog Street.

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