Furch acoustic guitars feature robust physical responsiveness and purity of sound. Photo credit: Furch Guitars.
Furch Guitars was unofficially founded in 1981 by Frantisek Furch in Velké Némcice, Czech Republic (former Czechoslovakia).
He began production of his first guitars secretly at his home, hidden from the authorities of the then-communist regime that did not allow private businesses.
After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, the company was officially established. Since then Furch has been growing and evolving into one of the largest premium guitar manufacturers in Europe.
Currently, under the leadership of Frantisek's son Petr Furch, Furch Guitars is designing and producing exclusively all-solid wood acoustic guitars in the price range of $1,000 USD to $10,000+ USD, with a total yearly production volume of over 8,500 instruments in 2022 and growing.
Furch's mission is to design, produce and deliver instruments that allow everyone to fully express their potential for musical creativity and performance. This is achieved by focusing on three key tenets: outstanding physical responsiveness, purity of sound, and an exclusively in-house production based in the Czech Republic, in the heart of Europe.
Today Furch Guitars are available all over the world.
Check out Reverb.com for great deals on Furch Guitars. We may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
Furch Guitars - United States
1865 Air Lane Drive, Suite 19
Nashville, Tennessee 37210
United States
+1 (615) 401-9500
Furch Guitars - Czech Republic
Městečko 27
691 63 Velké Němčice
Czech Republic
+420 910 902 139 (Czech Republic)
TEXT AND IMAGE CREDITS: Courtesy of Furch Guitars.
DISCLAIMER: MegaGuitar is not affiliated with Furch Guitars.
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