
National Resolectric: Gateway to Blues, Country & Bluegrass

The National Guitars® Resolectric allows electric guitar players easy access to those rustic and authentic Blues, Country, and Bluegrass styles only achievable with a resophonic guitar. Photo credit: National Guitars.

My first introduction to Dobro® guitars was Jeannie C. Riley's 1968 crossover country hit, Harper Valley P.T.A. That song was literally dripping with tasty Dobro® fills, masterfully played by Nashville session ace Jerry Kennedy.

A year or two later I heard Rusty Young's Dobro® and pedal steel guitar playing on Grand Junction from Poco's album, Pickin' Up the Pieces. I was blown away.

The Dobro® was invented in the 1920s as a way to make guitars louder. These were the days before amplifiers. A Dobro® (named after the Dopyera brothers who invented it) is also called a resonator or resophonic guitar.

The distinctive rustic sound of a resophonic instrument was a happy accident.

Gibson Guitars currently owns the trademark for Dobro® and produces Dobro® guitars through its Epiphone division. These days the term Dobro® is a popular synonym for resonator and resophonic guitars.

National Guitar Company began in 1935 but shuttered in the 1950s. The current iteration of National Guitars was established in 1989 by Don Young and McGregor Gaines and is headquartered in San Luis Obispo, California. Helmed by CEO Jason Workman, they produce over 600 instruments annually.

The National Resolectric guitar is for electric guitar players who want access to the iconic resonator styles, such as Blues, Country, Americana, and Bluegrass.

With the Resolectric's two built-in pickups, it's easy just to hook up to the amp and play. No special mic'ing or external pickups are required as for acoustic Dobros.


  • Top - Figured Maple or Mahogany
  • Body - Mahogany
  • Neck - Maple w/"D" Profile
  • Fingerboard - Ebony with Faux Diamond Inlays
  • Finish - Satin polyester
  • Finish Options - Denim Blue or Revolver
  • Neck Pickup - Lollar Firebird
  • Bridge Pickup - Fishman Nashville Series
  • Case - National Deluxe Hardshell
  • Nut Width - 1.75"
  • Scale Length - 25"
  • Fingerboard Radius - 16"
  • Weight - 8 lbs. 6 oz.

If you're an electric guitar player looking to get into the world of resophonic styles, you should check out the National Resolectric.


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National Guitars
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
United States
(805) 546-8442
(805) 546-8442

TEXT AND IMAGE CREDITS: Courtesy of National Guitars.

DISCLAIMER: MegaGuitar is not affiliated with National Guitars. Dobro® is a trademark of Gibson Guitars. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

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