
Rocky Mountain Slides from Colorado

The Firecracker Aluminum Finger Slides from Rocky Mountain Slides are flared in two inner diameter combinations. This offers the player a tighter fit and the option to switch fingers for different playing styles. Photo credit: Rocky Mountain Slide Company.

The Rocky Mountain Slide Company is headquartered in central Colorado and owned by Todd "Doc" Sigmier.

Mr. Sigmier, along with his father, originated new resonant slide designs in response to frustration with existing slides available at that time.

Today the company offers a family of stone, ceramic, brass, and glass slides for guitar. In addition, RMSC offers tone bars and hand-crafted guitar picks.

According to the RMSC website, the company's tone bars and picks provide you with "a whole universe" of new tones and sonic combinations unattainable by any other tone tool.

Each RMSC product is the result of many hours of experimentation, artisanal development, and player feedback.


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Rocky Mountain Slide Company
PO Box 262
Poncha Springs, CO 81242
United States
(719) 851-0645

TEXT AND IMAGE CREDITS: Courtesy of Rocky Mountain Slide Company.

DISCLAIMER: MegaGuitar is not affiliated with Rocky Mountain Slide Company.

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